Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Pics 2009

Here are all the pictures taken this Holiday. I didn't take the time to edit them so you are getting them all. You will see pictures from Scott's Birthday, Christmas Eve dance at the Burton church, Christmas Eve party at the Lloyd Ricks home, Christmas Day, Chritmas dinner at the McGarry's, snowmobiling with Grandpa McGarry and the Pete and June Ricks family Christmas party at Gringos this past Sunday. It was a great Holiday spending time with family.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Random December Pics

It has been a busy month so I thought I would catch up and just post a few things from December. Ashtyn's Christmas program. She is on the first row standing up third one from the right wearing the green hat and glasses. What a cutie! Sorry about the bad video, Macy was fussy so I was trying to video and hold her at the same time while rocking her back and forth. Really bad combination for trying to video tape but you do what you can do. My only other option would have been to have Brigham video and that would have been much much worse. The beautiful tree, thanks to Scotty Macy's first pony tail. Making the gingerbread house which lasted 30 minutes before the kids started eating it. Macy loves her tummy time

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas Decor

All I can say is Bah Hum Bug. I really want to get into the Christmas spirit, but it just isn't in me this year. I have had no desire to decorate but since we have kids I really have had no choice. We finally drug out our decor and it just made me grumpier. I am tired of the same old stuff we have had for ten years now. On top of that I had no control over how the ornaments were going on the tree as I had to sit there and nurse the baby while this was all taking place. I tried to stay positive (and calm) and not ruin it for the kids who were having a great time finding their ornaments from years past and sticking them really close to each other on the tree near other items of the exact same color (remember I am staying calm). I mentioned to Scott that our decor was old school and too cutesy and that I would rather have a "pretty" tree this year and decorate our big ledge with garland instead of a bunch of random stuff. I had to leave them to decorating as I had to fulfil my Relief Society board calling and head to the church to decorate for our Christmas Dinner we are having tonight. This is what I came home to. I HAVE THE BEST HUSBAND EVER! He didn't dare take anything out of it's packaging or re-decorate the tree for fear that I wouldn't like what he had picked. He gets some major bonus points for having the guts to pick out tree decorations. I like what he chose, he did good. I love you Scott, thanks for being so thoughtful!