Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Party Party Party

We are in party mode at our house.  Every night this week has been a party.  Yesterday we went to my soon to be Sister-in-Laws bridal shower.  Next weekend it will be official.  We are so excited to be welcoming Brittni to the family.  She has been dating my little brother, Brandon for several years now so it just seems natural to have her around. 

Here is the cute couple at the next party we attended, Brock's birthday party. Aren't they so cute together!?!  I guess I should have made them look at me but that would have been too much work.

The kids had a blast playing in these tubes.                                                                           This is Miss Shaylee, my cutest niece.  Brock got some fish for his birthday so she sat there and watched them. 
Here is my buddy the birthday boy.  He turned four and was so excited.  I have been babysitting him the past few weeks and we have happily been anticipating this day.  He has a crush on my little brother Logan's girlfriend Whitanee (Whitney).  He is not shy about proclaiming his love to her all the time.  Whitney will be 38 by the time he is 18 so they can be married.  tee hee. 

One more week until our wedding parties start and then we have our annual Easter egg hunt to look forward to.  Tis the season to party, party, party!


Darci said...

Wow, you're busy! Then you'll have Haylee and Ashtyn's bday's, and a wedding and Easter! Sheesh, you're March just got crazier. How fun though! Congrats to your bro, that's very exciting!

Melyssa said...

Fun, fun, fun...What a good way to pass these (hopefully) last few weeks of winter with some partying. :)