So yesterday after dinner, dishes, FHE, homework, and putting the kids to bed I had grand plans to just sit down and relax in front of the tv. I glanced around looking for the remote and couldn't find it in the obvious places. Finally I enlisted Scott's help. We searched and searched and continued to search. I went through the entire day for Scott letting him know all events that occured... Ashtyn popped popcorn, could it be in the popcorn box? The kids were playing on the recliner...did it launch the remote on top of the cabinets or the plant shelves? Could it have been thrown away? We went through the trash, we tore the couch apart, we looked in the fridge, freezer, dishwasher, cabinets, toy boxes, closets etc. If you could think of it, we looked there. About two hours later we gave up and ordered a new remote on ebay. Grrrr!