Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Future Brides

Scott offered my wedding dress to someone at work so we drug it out. The girls really wanted to try it on. Maybe someday they will get to wear it and actually fit into it.
Ashtyn, a beautiful bride someday... Haylee, a beautiful bride someday... Brigham, hopefully never a beautiful bride but he sure does look cute. We had to do this while Dad had his back turned. Brigham just didn't understand why we weren't giving him a turn so I gave in. How do you teach them to take turns if you don't give turns?


Kliss said...

That is the cutest thing I have seen in awhile. The girls do look beautiful. You should start charging rent for that dress, isn't this the 4th or 5th person to use it?

Rachel said...

I love that EVERYONE had a turn! Why did you not get pictures of Scott's turn. I know he wanted one! The girls look so adorable. And Brig he is handsome no matter what he is wearing even if it is a wedding dress!