Sunday, March 30, 2008


Our trip started out on an exciting note. For those of you who watch all the dance shows on t.v., if you look really close (under the t.v. on the left) you will see Zach from the t.v. show Dance Wars Bruno vs. Carrie Ann. Zach was on Bruno's team who won the show. He was my favorite dance mostly because I knew he was from Saratoga Springs where Kliss lives. We did talk to him also. He was really nice. That was just exciting for me... The real excitement began when we finally arrived at Disneyland. Luckily I have no horror stories to tell about our travels the trip was pretty laid back (I can say that now that a week has gone by) for the most part the kids were pretty good. I was really glad we brought Brigham too. Everyone said he would ruin the trip but he was actually pretty entertaining. See, here are the girls happy as can be getting a long. This was Ashtyn's Birthday so she was really having a good time. I only include this photo because we stood in line for 2 hours to get it. Mickey's house looks a lot smaller than it actually is. We thought the line wasn't very long but then we wound around all over the place in his house and stood there and stood there and stood there. We had invested too much time at this point so we stuck it out. We rode one more ride after this and then had to call it a day. We were all sick of waiting in lines. I am also very happy to have this photo. We were standing in line and they kept counting down the time until Goofy would have to leave. 3 minutes....we are 7 people behind...2 minutes about 5 people behind (darn those stinkin' autograph books) 1 minute...we made the last phote just barely. Thank heavens, the kids would have been really disappointed.


Kliss said...

This looks like such a fun trip! Next time we should all go.

Rachel said...

I love the picture with goofy! It made me smile. Did the girls have good birthday's?

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