Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Baby is 9 Today!

I can't believe that my first baby is 9 today.  Time has flown!  In this picture she is 3 years old.  I don't have digital ones on file for her before then because we didn't have a digital camera back then.  Isn't she so cute!?!

Here she is with Haylee (does Haylee remind you of anyone?)
Here she is with Macy today.   The weather was nice so we played outside and just hung out with family and relaxed.  It was a fun day.
She picked yellow cake with chocolate frosting and we decorated it together.  I forgot to take pictures but most of the local family came to have cake and icecream with us. 
She scored clothes, games, heelys, art stuff, books, a science kit and $.  What a loved little girl.Presents are great.  (Ashtyn at 2, Haylee 9 mo)
Happy Birthday Ashtyn, Hope you had a great day.  We love you!


Rachel said...

I thought of you guys all day long on the 17th. I think that her birthday will be burned into my mind FOREVER!!! Love her, love all of you! Happy Birthday Ashtyn!!! I can't believe you are 9!

Melissa said...

I hope she had a great birthday! I can't believe you have a 9 year old! It is crazy how fast time flies. You are such a cute mom! Your kids are so adorable!