Thursday, June 10, 2010


We went caming at Birch Creek yesterday with Scott's brother, Rob's family. It was such an enjoyable time. This was Macy's first camp experience. As you can see, she was having a good time...even at 11 o'clock when it was past bed time. The kids got to fish. Ashtyn caught this weird looking fish which really creeped me out! There was a big cave with a trail leading to it that Scott had to climb with his motorcycle. He made his way up to the top of that trail. All we could see was a small black dot but it was fun to see him progress and make it up there. Michelle and Brigham are buds, they were so cute working together to pump up Brigham's bike tire. Macy is getting so big! She turned 9 months old yesterday and here are some of the fun things she has learned: -she crawls everywhere really quickly now -walks along the furniture -tries to let go of things and balance for a second then sits down really quick -she waves bye bye -dances to music -sings if you play the piano -says "yummmm" (more like mmmmm) while eating -makes a yuck sound when I change her diaper or when she tries to eat something off the ground and I get after her for it. -says Ut-oh, Dada, Mama, and mimics the sound of "there she is" after we say "where's the baby". She also tries to say "peek-a-boo". My favorite is that Scott taught her to say "argh" like a pirate. She is growing so quickly and learning so much. It is such a fun stage. The other day I found her just chillin' on the floor playing. She found some jackets to rest her head on and just kicked back to relax. Funny baby.

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