I still haven't wrapped my head around the fact that Ashtyn is ten! I don't know how it happened but I guess I get to face reality. She requested Orange Julius for breakfast so Scott actually got up early and made a few batches for everyone to enjoy.
We let her open her gifts before school. She got Pixos, wimpsy pets, an oragomi book and a new set of Scriptures and a body pillow.All of the kids are distracted by Curios George on tv. Ha ha
We also let the kids eat cupcakes for breakfast (gasp!)
At school we delivered balloons and a treat and then after school we took her to Wingers.
I had to throw this shot in of Macy for memories sake. She hasn't been feeling too well and was soooooo grumpy while we were there. She ran away and was trying to hide from us to show her disgust.
Grandma and Grandpa Ricks show up at Wingers to give Ashtyn her gifts. They gave her a summer outfit, new earrings and a card game.
After dinner the plan was to go to Mars Needs Moms at the Theatre but out of all the days they had canceled the show for some stupid BYU game (yes, I used stupid and BYU game in the same sentence) We had to think fast and the next best option was to let the kids do arcade games. See how thrilled Macy is to be on this ride? She was terrified!
For Memory Sake, here are a few things about Ashtyn D.
- Her favorite food is Popcorn
- Her favorite candy is pixie sticks
- Favorite Movie is Despicable Me
- Her favorite color is blue
- She is in 4th grade
- She loves crafts & sewing
- Still enjoys hanging with the family
- Would rather chill with the adults than play with kids
- She loves to ride horses with Grandpa in the mountains
- She likes to read
- She likes to pester her siblings! (she is fighting me on this one)
- She has a very cute giggle, she is funny, silly and goofy.