Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Branding Cows

Every year our family gets together to help brand the cows before we bring them up to the forest.  The kids and I aren't much help but we like to come along to hang out and watch.  Some day we may be useful. 

My Dad taking a break to say hi to Macy (can also see Aunt Gail, Tannis, Brandon and Uncle Kent)

Little brother Logan and Scott had the job of getting the calves pushed up to the shoot.  Not easy but somebody has to do it.  :0)

My little brother Brandon marking ears and helping run the shoot. (Also my Dad and Uncle Kent)

The kids looking at the calves.
Macy loved hanging out with the cows.  She basically sat there and giggled and mooed and played.  She has cowgirl in her blood.  I am glad she loved it so much.